Motion demo reel

In addition to stills, my clients increasingly demand video services, both production (shooting) and post-production (editing) — and it's about time you get to see some of it! Here's a little sample of my video work, on my new show reel.Demo reel from Rodrigo Ordóñez Photography on Vimeo.If you are in Indonesia and Vimeo is blocked, you can also watch it on Wistia.Certain stories are better told with movement and sound, so they are more suitable for multimedia.Shooting video requires more planning than taking photographs, and more technical resources, but it also makes you look at what's around you in a different way, appreciating the dynamics of situations and watching for that perfect moment when sounds and images just click.This year I'll be producing more video stories, along with my team in Jakarta.We offer video production and post-production services (editorial, commercial, corporate, travel) in Indonesia and beyond. If you're interested, contact us.


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